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Tearing Down the Pink Wall Event | Socially-responsible investing | May 20

Socially-responsible investing (SRI) is hot. More than one of every four dollars under professional asset management in the United States – an estimated $12 trillion – is in an SRI strategy.

Join us for an inspiring breakfast to hear three accomplished women share their professional and personal perspectives on:

  • Recognizing important SRI strategy trends and what’s driving SRI’s increasing popularity

  • Combining investor values and investment strategies without sacrificing performance

  • Investing directly in building healthy low-income communities

  • Measuring SRI investment results

  • How women can move ahead in financial services and why SRI careers make sense

Monday, May 20, 2019

8:30-10:00 a.m.

The Coffee House

20 West 44th Street, 6th Floor, NYC

Breakfast will be served

RSVP – Angela Dailey,; Kate Ennis,;

Patrice Kozlowski,; Elizabeth Powell,

Tearing Down the Pink Wall events highlight high-profile women in

financial services and seek to advance the role of women in the field.


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